Morandin, back to the past

Morandin, back to the past

Design has new exhibition spaces in Treviso, in the historic Via Palestro.

Morandin, Return to the Past

Design, grass and old exposed bricks.

A carpet of real grass covers the floor, «glass colorful drops» come down from the ceiling and the space is completely renovated to bring to give a new life to the bricks of the original building. The historical Morandin shop has a new image, as Stefano Morandin, responsible for the project and the whole family wished: the goal is to become a crucial space in design and to give new life to via Palestro, also contributing to the revitalization of the historic center, through the development of productive activities. The new shop opened yesterday: a long table, directly from Amsterdam, initially dedicated to a boat, is now inside the store, to exhibit some of the most beautiful porcelains in the world, like Rosenthal and Meissen. The new exhibition spaces follow a logic of functionality and respect the pre-existing place. All the items designed by famous international artists have been exhibited trying to exalt both the ancient and the modern sides, with the aim to give more value also to the simple objects we use at home every day. You also have a beautiful view of the canal near the shop, where you can find a small boat for an intimate tete-à-tete.”
“Morandin, Back to the Design Past, grass and old exposed bricks.

From “Tribuna di Treviso – Serena Gasparoni “